
Multi Serve privately owns and locally operates three office locations throughout the state of Michigan. Our offices are strategically dispersed, allowing us to appropriately react to and service homes across the state. Our corporate headquarters is located in Grand Rapids, MI.

If you are in need of emergency water damage, fire damage, or storm damage services please call 866.219.4500 immediately. Whether you are in the Grand Rapids, Ludington, Novi, or Canton area this phone number reaches our emergency mitigation managers throughout Michigan.

When you need fire, water, or storm damage restoration in West, Northern, Central, or Southeast Michigan please call or email us here. Residential home improvement services throughout lower Michigan are also scheduled and dispatched centrally. Thank you!

Grand Rapids (Corporate)

929 Alpine Commerce Park NW #600
Grand Rapids, MI 49544


3129 N 56th Ave
Hart, MI 49420


8559 Ronda Drive
Canton, MI 48187
Our office locations